2020 you sucked.

Whilst self-isolating after new year and awaiting my results from yet ANOTHER covid test (#negative by the way), I had the uncanny feeling that 2021 was not going to be very different from the bugger of a year we’d just had.

So I got thinking about the shit 2020 has thrown at us, and what we can learn from it. There are many learnings to be taken, but these two points feel most poignant at this time.

1. Community is nothing without community.

This has become the new buzz word for businesses, but I got to experience the power of real community through the sudden death of my father, a farmer in rural South Africa. The support his fellow farmers showed my siblings and I as we tried to manage our father’s estate and keep the farm running was overwhelming, and humbling.

Calling yourself a community does not make you one. A real community, as defined by those Winterton farmers, is a group of people who: 

a.) know exactly what it is to be you,  b.) understand what it takes to do what you do, and most importantly, c.) are able and willing to step in and selflessly support you when needed.

That sad experience taught me so much, and is something we keep front of mind now as we grow extraordinary creative connections through our troupe. community.

2. Remote and bust.

2020 gave remote working, and with it our mental health, a real run for its money.

Perfect Tribe 'went remote' four years ago as I believed then that it was the future of creative businesses. But it’s not as simple or clear cut as an all-or-nothing solution. So we’ve been interested to see how the industry has, and continues to adjust. On an individual level, I know people who have thrived working from home and others who have not.

As employers you have a responsibility to your employees especially when they are not working in the office. Be sure to diligently monitor your people’s wellbeing during this time, and not just their 'time sheets'. 

Certain uncertainty is our favourite oxymoron, and now our new normal.  2021 we are coming for you. Give us your best.

Find out more about troupe.

#community #creative #design #remoteworking #2021 #thoughts #reflection #learn #lessons #growth #leadership #mentalhealth #employers


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