Is fear making you mediocre?

Here's a question for you. Without fear, how brilliant would you be?

I’ve been thinking about this a lot. As an industry, we’ve been battered with redundancies, mergers, shake ups, shrinking budgets, strikes, the rise of AI, the streaming wars, and more. And I get it. Living in constant uncertainty breeds fear. Fear of losing jobs, paying the mortgage, school fees, and so on it goes.

But creativity does not exist in fear. You cannot create from a place of fear. Creativity designed to keep your job, impress your boss or promote a brand you no longer trust will fail.

Creativity craves freedom. And to be afraid, is not to be free at all.

I’ve had more than one conversation with my network about disappointing levels of creative excellence in the past year. So, in the hope that 2024 will bring us deep creative connections and beautiful, joyous expression, I wish this for my tribe and all creatives out there:

Take courage. To be creative is a very personal endeavour. Putting a little piece of yourself out there whenever you create, is brave. As creatives you're already living beyond the limitations of fear. So keep pushing those creative boundaries, again and again, no matter the stakes.

Find peace in the chaos. Change is here to stay. There are no good old days, there is only today. Try to find peace in where you are now, at this point in time. In acceptance comes clarity and the strength to face any challenge and step towards it with courage and creativity.

Your creativity is a gift. You alone have been given this rare gift, and the only person who can take it from you, is you. Not your boss, your client, your shareholders, parents, colleagues, or anyone else. Only you. So never ever lose it to fear.

Happy 2024. Here’s to a year of being bold in our pursuits, dreaming big dreams and finding courageous creativity in everything we do.

a Thought Piece by Perfect Tribe founder, Nikki Bentley

#creativity #courage #creative #fearless #courageousceativity


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